Think backward from whatever the life you are living at present. Is it not miracle that you have existed in this universe. You were born in this planet called earth. Chances of survival should have been very less if your parents would have not taken care. The role of your parents is beyond your thinking for your life. I was astonished and filled my eyes with tears when students in Japan realized the hard work done by their parents when videos were shown in one of the sessions.
Choose The Right Association
Your parents made everything possible for you right from seeking and fulfilling all your needs whether it is physical, mental, emotional or spiritual. Apart from your parents you need to choose the people in your life just like you pick up your tarot cards from the piles. You may pick up a card from the pile of dogs, but you needed to pick up from the piles of elephant, so be careful. You may choose gambler friend and may lose everything in life.
Our lives are woven with relatives, friends, teachers and associates in office or workplace including those people who are not present on this earth right now. For instance, I have been greatly inspired from the authors who have written books and delivered fantastic speeches even they have left before decades. Each have distinguished role for development of your soul.
Your Interaction With People Around You
Your tapestry in life may be adequate or inadequate for your growth. It depends upon the people you interact. More specifically the key people in your life. It also depends how much you learn from their experiences. Your bad companies of people may ruin everything, or good companies may enrich your life.
You unfold different stages of your tapestry gradually through years of your life. There may be things undone time to time but if you have been directed toward realistic goals in life, you can accomplish through process of transformation. Your courage and determination will work when you confront some of the hurdles on the way to your objectives.
Purpose And Mission In Life
You may be working for your purpose, but it is also necessary that you contribute for others. You are also a tapestry for people around you. It also depends how you interact or what is your level of commitment towards others. Even your accomplishment in life may be a good message and inspiration for others. Some people have mission in their life span to be helpful to others. When you dig the well, you may see two important things. One is water. How much useful it is to mankind. But consider the shadow of well. The shadow of the tree is very much useful to people but shadow of well is not at all useful to anybody. So just think, do you want to be shadow of well or the water of well. Pick up good things from every object. Be like water of well and shadow of tree.
Make Your Tapestry Stronger And Help Others
The life is truly dynamic. Your tapestry for rest of your life is very much important. You have to adapt some needs due to various conditions beyond your control. Suppose your son wants to marry a girl. Your son gives his 100% and you also spend lot of time for convincing the parents of girl and girl herself. You are ready for your part, but things are not moving from other side, you may require someone else in your life to fulfil that important role. If at all you are not able to be successful to build the relationship, forget them with defence mechanism. Think positive that they may have their tapestry for someone else.
Get Specialized Experiences From Others
Everybody has different role in their life. Just like the king, queen and elephant in chess. They have their own capacity and limited moves. But they have different kind of unique specification for moves. In the same way you have to understand the roles of others in life and learn specific things from different people. For instance, you can learn communication skills from a person but horse riding from another. You may not learn how to swim from the person who has mastery in track and field but never visited a swimming pull or lake.
Life is literally a pebble tossed in lake. The ripples extend outward. Tapestries are made out of individual threads. Each individual has their own life tapestry. When we have to take some important decisions in life, we seek the advice of some key persons who guides us through their vast experiences in life.
Let us develop strong threads of our tapestry and make not our own life worthwhile but also inspire and motivate others towards their aspired goals.
At the end, let me share a quote from Michio Kaku,
“The human mind has a desire to know its place in the universe and the role we play in the tapestry of life. This is actually hardwired into our brains, the desire the know our relationship to the universe. This was good for our evolution, since it enabled us to see our relationship to others and to nature which was good for our survival. And it is also what drives our curiosity to understand the universe.”