“We must meet the challenge rather than wish it were not before us.” -William J. Brennan
Sometimes you feel that you should have said something and you did not. There may be event in your life where something happened to you and you never said anything about it, though you should have. There is a clear demarcation line between the idea and action. If you do not bear a witness of your thoughts or ideas, they are buried but if you record them, you create existence and acknowledge the importance of your thoughts. Your journalised ideas are incredible and indestructible nature of your spirit. You may be an engineer, doctor, flying pilot or a driver, I want to inspire you to unburden yourself through creative writings.
Brain Storming
Whenever you have some incident or event in your life, simply write it down. Whether it is travelling experience, a bad taste of insults or a wonderful appreciations, make record of them. When I was travelling by bus, I had booked the ticket and reserved the seat but one of the passengers, occupied my seat and refused to vacant. There was too much rush in the bus and bus was going with over speed, there was hardly any time for complaint. I travelled for almost one hour in standing position till the fellow got down from the bus at his destination. In another incident, I passed the urine at wrong place in one of the cities of south India, police caught me, took to magistrate and I paid the fine. There are number of such incidents which I never intervened and never told to anybody.
Three Basics Of Writing
Three things you have to learn for writing. Learn to focus on details, order of the events and how it made you to feel. The third has profound importance. During railway travelling, a fruit vendor dropped the fruits on the floor, my wife started picking up fruits and put them in the basket of vendor with words in her mouth, “oh poor chap!” I recorded the incident in my diary and thought, if she has so much sympathy for a casual vendor, how much she will care for me in my life. This made a strong bond of relationship and understanding between us for rest of my life.
Everybody Is Natural Storyteller
I am sure you may be a natural storyteller. If I ask you to narrate how you reached to home during heavy rain. You will narrate step by step. If I ask you, how did you take revenge when your boss insulted you in office. I assure you will narrate every thing and never miss any step of incident. These little stories you have to tell to your younger self. There must be a specific reason when you broke the mug of coffee when your mother scolded and you never told sorry. You have hundreds of incidents but you never recorded. I did. The result is not only big edifications from people but unstoppable royalty in dollars in my account.
Intervene The Incidents
You could not do like me because you did not intervene. Perhaps your perspective may change your life. Things may prove to have transformation if you are proactive about the past incidents of your life. By telling your own story you are keeping it alive. You may be shy for weird things which happened in your life but actually it happened but think, if you are not recording it who else will do for you? If you do not feel like to disclose in front of people, you can narrate incident as third party happenings. Your beginning may be awkward but you will have happy ending.
Best Method To Be Creative Writer
1. Revise your first draft
You have written your story but it may contain some errors like punctuation, grammar, spelling etc. Read carefully and make the draft error free. It is better to use different method for revising. One of the best methods I recommend is the ‘text to speech’. Listen carefully and you will be able to eradicate the mistakes.
2. Join the community for critical evaluation
The best way to improve your work is to have someone else share their thoughts on it. Join off line or online group to share your work and get feedback on your writing.
Don’t be offended if someone doesn’t like your piece, or has a lot of feedback to give. You can choose whether or not to implement a change that someone else suggests.
3. Set dead line for your every work
If you give dead line to your every piece of work, you can have consistent work in your writing. You can write your completion date of title, publishing date and even launching date. Once you have organized your time, you can have good quality and quantity of your writing.
4. Read the books about which you are passionate
Our brain requires exercise to keep it healthy and fit. Reading has been found to enhance the connectivity in the brain. It has been proved that reading also reduces stress and you get sound sleep especially when you read before sleeping. The knowledge and wisdom of other eminent authors are the vast source for your inspiration and making your writing meaningful and extra ordinary.
Take Away
1. The way you respond to the situation or event is what makes you the difference.
2. Always end up learning something that helps you and eventually get a really clear picture of what you need to do to make sure you are not in the same situation again.