Navigate through Sands of Time: Understand the Essence of ‘How Much Time Is Left?’

6 min readFeb 22, 2024
Photo by Elevate on Unsplash

Yesterday, a long-time friend of mine extended an invitation: “Let’s meet.” he proposed. My response was a simple, “Why?” After nearly five decades of friendship, the idea of a physical meeting and conversation surfaced. Remarkably, there was no specific agenda or topic to discuss, yet we recalled instances when our dialogues stretched into the early hours of the morning.

During our conversation, my friend reflected, “Some individuals depart this earth unexpectedly in their seventies, and it no longer surprises anyone.” It was a contemplation of life’s transience. I cited an anecdote during my Zoom session of prolific authors a few days back about a gentleman in his 70s who, on his last day, summoned his family and close relatives as he lay sick. The doctor, attending to him at home, conveyed that his time was limited — perhaps a mere couple of hours.

In a moment of unconsciousness, the elderly man mumbled something cryptic: “Buff-Ea-Broo, Buff-Ea-Broo…” Intrigued, one of his sons sought to uncover the possible hidden meaning behind these words. Desperate for answers, they implored the doctor to revive their father’s consciousness.

With a cautious acknowledgment of a potential 30-minute window, the sons probed their father about his enigmatic utterance. His response was unexpected: “Stupid fellows, I wanted to convey that ‘Buffalo-Eating-Broom-Stick.’ Can’t you people stop it?” The incident left them astounded, pondering the mysterious ways in which words and expressions unfold in life.

There exists a belief that the words one utters during a lifetime are predestined as if each breath inhaled or exhaled follows a predetermined pattern. The idea suggests a limit to the number of breaths one can take and the words one can articulate. It brings to mind the advice of an elderly villager during my youth, advocating for minimal and purposeful speech to ensure one uses their allotted words judiciously. This sage also emphasized the importance of incorporating deep breathing exercises into one’s routine.

The concept of time plays a pivotal role in our lives, influencing our decisions, actions, and perceptions. Let me explore the multifaceted nature of time, examining its significance in various aspects such as personal projects, goals, tasks, presentations, events, and even in the broader context of our existence on Earth. It aims to drive deeper into the psychological, philosophical, and practical dimensions of time, prompting readers to reflect on how they measure, manage, and value the time they have.

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Time Management Chronicles

Effectively managing time is a crucial skill that contributes significantly to success, both in personal and professional spheres. The ability to allocate time efficiently, prioritize tasks, and meet deadlines is essential for achieving goals and maintaining a balanced lifestyle. This may effective strategy for managing time in personal and professional endeavors, providing practical tips to enhance productivity and achieve goals within stipulated timeframes.

Let me further break it down into several key components.

Photo by Jess Bailey on Unsplash
  1. Understanding the Importance of Time Management

Time is a finite resource, and recognizing its value is the first step in effective time management. Understanding that time, once spent, cannot be recovered, emphasizes the need to make deliberate choices about how it is utilized.

2. Setting Clear Goals and Priorities

Clearly defined goals help in identifying tasks that require attention. Prioritizing these tasks based on their urgency and importance enables individuals to focus on what truly matters, reducing the risk of procrastination.

3. Creating a Schedule or To-Do List

Developing a daily, weekly, or monthly schedule helps in organizing tasks and allocating specific time slots to different activities. To-do lists are effective tools for outlining tasks, and crossing off completed items provides a sense of accomplishment.

4. Utilizing Time Management Techniques

Employing techniques such as the Pomodoro Technique (working in focused intervals with short breaks), the Eisenhower Matrix (categorizing tasks into urgent/important quadrants), and the Two-Minute Rule (immediately completing tasks that take two minutes or less) can enhance productivity.

5. Eliminating Time Wasters

Identifying and eliminating activities that contribute little to no value is crucial. This may involve minimizing distractions, setting boundaries, and being mindful of activities that consume time without yielding meaningful results.

6. Delegating Tasks

Recognizing when to delegate tasks to others is a key aspect of effective time management. Delegating allows individuals to focus on high-priority activities and ensures that work is distributed efficiently within a team or organization.

7. Learning to Say No

Understanding one’s limits and being able to decline tasks that do not align with goals or priorities is important. Saying no, when necessary, helps in avoiding overcommitment and burnout.

8. Adapting to Changes

Flexibility is crucial in the face of unexpected events or changes in priorities. Being adaptable allows individuals to navigate challenges without compromising overall productivity.

9. Regularly Reviewing and Reflecting

Periodically assessing and reflecting on time management practices helps in identifying areas for improvement. This self-awareness contributes to the continuous refinement of strategies for better efficiency.

10. Balancing Work and Personal Life

Effective time management extends beyond professional endeavors. Striking a balance between work and personal life is essential for overall well-being. Allocating time for relaxation, hobbies, and personal relationships contributes to a holistic and sustainable lifestyle.

In essence, unraveling effective time management strategies involves a combination of self-awareness, planning, prioritization, and adaptability. It’s about making intentional choices to optimize the use of time, leading to increased productivity and the achievement of personal and professional goals.

Let me share some short quick ideas when they ponder today early morning.

Earth’s Hourglass: Our Finite Existence

It is very important in our busy schedule to consider the broader perspective of time, contemplating the finite nature of our time on Earth, and reflecting on the significance of making the most of our time in the grand scheme of existence.

Countdown to Success: Mastering Time in Projects and Presentations

Analyzing the critical role time plays in the success of projects and presentations, offering insights into effective planning, execution, and adaptation strategies.

Temporal Reflections: Moments, Memories, and Meaning

Think my friends to reflect on the meaningful moments in their lives, examining the role of time in shaping memories, and pondering the existential question of what gives life its true significance.

Aim to capture different dimensions of the overarching theme, catering to a diverse audience interested in understanding and optimizing their relationship with time.


· Time is the currency of life; spend it wisely, for once it’s gone, there’s no refund.

· The art of time management is not about doing more; it’s about doing what matters most.

· Time is a sculptor; every choice you make carves the shape of your future.

· A well-spent moment is an investment in a rich future.

· Time is the ink, and your actions are the pen. Write a story worth reading.

· Time management is not about finding more time; it’s about creating more value in the time you have.

· The clock is impartial; it ticks for everyone. Success lies in what you do between each tick.

· Time, like water, finds its level. Guide its flow with purpose.

· Life’s clock is wound but once; make each tick count.

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Former aircraft engineer IAF, Retired Branch Manager SBI, Psychologist, Best Selling Author & Armed Forces Recruitment Trainer