Master the Art of Inventive Writing

6 min readNov 16, 2023
Photo by Marcos Paulo Prado on Unsplash

“The role of a writer is not to say what we all can say, but what we are unable to say.”

- Anaïs Nin

The journey of becoming a writer is a remarkable decision, one that not everyone can make. Indeed, the path of a writer resembles a marathon, devoid of shortcuts. It involves an ongoing process of articulating thoughts, where the transformation of ideas into tangible words is akin to the alchemy of creativity. This profession demands a sustained commitment to the craft, mirroring the endurance required in a marathon.

The act of being a writer is an exercise in giving life to thoughts, where the power of expression molds abstract concepts into concrete entities. This dynamic process underscores the notion that thoughts possess the potential to manifest into reality. In light of this, let us discuss the intricacies of cultivating the art of creative writing, exploring the nuances that distinguish an ordinary writer from one who weaves a tapestry of words that captivates and resonates with the world.

Tapping into Your Imagination

Writing involves more than just putting thoughts on paper; it’s about accessing the rich and often untapped resources of your imagination. It encourages writers to explore the depths of their creativity, visualize scenarios, and bring forth ideas that may not be immediately apparent. Ideas are like butterflies and most of the time they fly away. So, always jot down ideas that can be used in your amazing writing later on.

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Embracing Experimentation

Creativity flourishes when writers are willing to experiment with different styles, tones, structures, and perspectives. It encourages breaking free from rigid conventions and exploring new ways of expressing ideas. Experimentation allows writers to discover their unique voice and narrative flair.

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Breaking Away from Conventional Thinking

Conventional thinking often follows established norms and patterns. Writing, as an act of creativity, invites writers to challenge and transcend these norms. It encourages the exploration of unconventional ideas, perspectives, and narrative techniques. Breaking away from the ordinary opens up new possibilities and adds an element of freshness to the writing.

In essence, the act of writing is a dynamic and imaginative process that involves pushing the boundaries of creativity. It invites writers to tap into the vast reservoir of their imagination, where ideas bloom and take shape. It urges them to experiment fearlessly, trying out new approaches and styles to see what resonates best with their unique voice. Moreover, it encourages a departure from traditional thinking, allowing writers to forge their paths, discover uncharted territories, and present stories and ideas that captivate and inspire. In embracing this perspective, writers can truly harness the transformative power of their creativity and produce works that are both authentic and compelling.

Here are some tips to help enhance your creativity in writing:

Read Widely

Exposure to various genres and styles broadens your perspective and stimulates creativity. Read not only within your preferred genre but explore different forms of writing. When you are writing your thoughts you are limited to some ideas but if you are widely reading other authors of great personalities, you are elaborating ideas more powerfully.

Write Regularly

Consistency is the key to writing. A continuous flow of water may make a hole in stones. Like any skill, writing improves with practice. Set aside dedicated time each day or week to write. Consistency helps develop your creative muscle.

Embrace Freewriting

Write without restrictions. Let your thoughts flow without worrying about grammar or structure. This can uncover unexpected ideas and connections. You can become merciless when you are editing your stuff but not simultaneously. It is always a better practice to edit writing later but when your mind is fresh, keep on writing without worrying about the mistakes of spelling or grammar.

Change Your Environment

A change of scenery can inspire new ideas. If possible, write in different locations or even take your writing outdoors. Try to allocate time when there is less disturbance. I prefer writing when everybody is sleeping at my home. There is no disturbance.

Mind Mapping

Use mind maps to visually represent ideas and their relationships. This can help you see connections you might have missed in a linear approach. Mind mapping will not only guide you for your branches of writing your ideas differently but it will not allow you to wander and you are constantly able to focus on the topic decided.

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Experiment with Different Mediums

Try expressing your ideas through various mediums, such as drawing, audio recordings, or even multimedia formats. This can stimulate creativity and offer fresh perspectives. Do not be stereotyped. Go wide with new ideas for expressing yourself. I could write even articles at some point in time while converting my speech to text.

Observe and Reflect

Pay attention to the world around you. Observing people, nature, or everyday situations can provide rich material for creative writing. When I observed my friend in a gym with drop-sets of repetition in exercise, I got different ideas for my title ‘Master Your Muscles’ which became an amazing piece for gym goers.


Engage in collaborative writing projects with others. Sharing ideas can lead to unexpected and innovative outcomes. Similar topics can be discussed with fellow authors and experiences can be used at a much deeper level. One of the authors who used to write on career gave me wonderful ideas for my title “Master Your Money Mind

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Challenge Assumptions

Break away from conventional thinking. Question assumptions and explore alternative perspectives in your writing. Always think differently about every topic of yours. Do not restrict yourself to restricted ideas but elaborate on them. Later on, you can amend them during editing if at all, you think that there is diversion.

Take Risks

Don’t be afraid to take creative risks. Step out of your comfort zone, experiment with different styles, and explore unconventional ideas. Go with the speed a little more than the comfortable pace.

Use Prompts

Writing prompts can be excellent tools to kickstart your creativity. They provide a starting point and can lead you down unexpected paths. Any journey can be completed from milestone to milestone.


Allow your mind to wander and daydream. Some of the best creative ideas emerge when you let your imagination roam freely. Disneyland World would have never taken shape if the idea of the mouse was not stuck in the mind of an amazing and famous writer Walt Disney.

Edit Later

During the initial writing phase, focus on generating ideas without worrying too much about perfection. Editing can come later. To be very frank, I used to edit my stuff when I was not very fresh. I can use those fresh moments for creative and exclusive writing.

Connect Unrelated Ideas

Challenge yourself to find connections between seemingly unrelated concepts. This can result in unique and innovative storylines.

Seek Inspiration from Other Art Forms

Draw inspiration from visual arts, music, or other creative disciplines. Translating ideas across different mediums can spark creativity.

Remember, creativity is a process that varies for each individual. Find what works best for you, and don’t be afraid to experiment and explore new avenues in your writing journey.

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Former aircraft engineer IAF, Retired Branch Manager SBI, Psychologist, Best Selling Author & Armed Forces Recruitment Trainer