Emotional Instability And Mental Illness In Children

5 min readNov 23, 2022
Photo by Юлія Дубина on Unsplash

Mental health in children is vital in the early years because children are they are the root of the future tree. The patterns of thinking and behaving at an early age are responsible for future development. Any unusual pattern may disrupt the ability of the functionality.

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Emotional Instability In Children

We have stereotyped lifestyle, but we are not a robot and therefore, most of the time we feel unstable about our emotions. There is a high percentage of emotional instability at all ages. Emotional stability is very much important in children as they are the future of society and the country as a whole.

Many times, we hide our problems and issues as we think they may become the cause of mockery. As a student of psychology, I feel that some of the trivial things do not make much difference when we hide but the habit of constantly hiding may cause serious problems when emotions are not ventilated. Well-managed emotions are the skill that can make you stress-free and happy.

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Validate Your Emotions

There is no prohibited feeling, if you do not love somebody it is ok. If you do not validate the feeling of not loving someone may cause you a great feeling of guilt that can become very oppressive. Never go against what you feel.

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Do Not Judge Yourself

If you feel like learning horse riding in middle age, it is your hobby, do not feel what people may think about it. Abstract yourself from the people. Some of them may appreciate your actions but most of them may have prejudice and disapprove of your activities.

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Take Responsibility For Your Emotion

If you take responsibility for your emotion, it will set you free from guilt. If you hate your neighbour, accept your feeling. Always validate your feeling and begin a process of acceptance of these feelings. For whatever reason you have certain behaviour towards your neighbour, do not feel guilt. Your feeling may be the reciprocal effect of the behaviour of some of the members of the neighbour.

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Rationalize Your Emotions

Your Neighbour must have behaved badly and done a lot of damage, with which you have feelings of rejection. However, there may be things about one or more members you may like. So, try to pursue your relationship with them even in a different way.

This is an example of a neighbour that can be considered in the same fashion in the case of your boss, spouse, or office associates.

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Read Books On the Topic Or Listen to Experts

Reading a book on a specific topic or listening to the advice of experts may give you an insight into your thought and you can know yourself better. You can know the reasons for barriers you have created and may get desirable solutions that may become key to your happiness.

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Mental Illness In Children

We have brilliant advantages over other species. We can learn most things, unlike other animals. Behaviour is a learnt process. Unless we have born an illness, we can learn many things from other individuals and the environment. We can learn good things and we can also become a victim of bad things. Our life is much dependent on our rearing parents during childhood. If we do not receive good rearing practices due to some reasons, our learning and behaviour can take another course which may be undesirable.

The environment has a powerful role to play in the life of children. I studied during my master about identical twins. Both the children were sent to different environments under controlled status on an experimental basis. The child who was put in an undesirable environment developed very bad habits which were detrimental to his future life. The environment of another child was good and he developed very good habits. There may be exceptional cases of children who can make the environment as per their needs. These kinds of special children are rare but most of the children are in conformity and grow average as others children do. In either case, the role of the parents plays a vital role in growth.

The common causes of mental illness in children are widely dependent on the following major causes.

Heredity (genetics)

Some of the disorders run in the family and pass through their children. We have the zeal to continue our family inheritance growth although we have some disabled children. Very few of them seek the advice of professionals and stop increasing their families.


Some mental disorders are due to imbalanced chemicals in the brain. Inadequate functioning of neurotransmitters may also become the cause of the disorder. In this case, neuro-surgeon advice may be sought.

Psychological Trauma

Some of the illnesses may be due to undesirable triggers through psychological trauma. There may be severe emotional issues in the family. The kind of physical or sexual abuse may also be responsible for emotional instability. The sudden death of close relatives may lead to this kind of disorder. Neglecting the child also can be the root cause of the disorder issue.

Environmental Stresses.

We can never neglect the reasons for environmental stresses which may be the causes of mental disorders. Pollution, UV radiation, contaminations in water or food, and similar kind of climatic conditions also may be responsible for disorders.

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Written by Krgoswami

CEO Digital Eagle Academy, Game Changer Psychologist, Best-Selling Author, Former Aircraft Engineer AF, BM (Rtrd) SBI, https://krgoswami.com/daily-article.html

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