Content Writer Like Qualities

6 min readFeb 1, 2022
Photo by Valerie Elash on Unsplash

“Serious writers write, inspired or not. Over time they discover that routine is a better friend than inspiration.” -Ralph Keyes

Your outstanding standards are measured when you stand alone for your performance. Your degree of excellence is valued when you do not go with herd. A fish flows against the current but if the fish is dead it flows with current. Conformity is deadly because it does not provide the inner value you possess. When you copy someone, you do not express or serve your own qualities.

There are following like minded qualities of an effective content writer,

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1. Outstanding Communication Skills

Effective communication style is the quality of leader. Work space success is achieved if you have good communication skills. Whether it is verbal or written communication, the skills always impress others for your inner voice. You may have lot of knowledge and wisdom but they lie within yourself or hidden inside you forever it is as good as diamonds or gold buried under earth. True gems shine when it is visible to the people.

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2. Abnormal Editing And Proofreading Skills

Your flawless writing is the proof of your purity. There are various tools for editing and proofing but once you have developed the skills of editing and proofing, you attract the readers with confidence. A couple of mistakes in the writing may reject you as writer although it may be a mere typing mistake or overlooked. Checking and re-checking makes writing pure and powerful.

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3. Fluent Story Narrator

Story telling is the power tool for modern content writer. As the musician makes listener forget everything, the good story teller keeps audience absorbed in such a way that they people are completely engaged with your in spite of their existing problems. You emotions are attached to their thoughts and subconscious mind. You are then able to influence them according to their desired actions. Although the art of story telling is not easy, however it can be learned and developed with experience.

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4. Personality Trait

Personality represents your unique pattern of behaviour. Your reaction to the specific event decides your outcome. Your success or failure is mostly defined the way you take action for a particular situation. I remember the great personality of a industrialist who could not acquire land in one of the states of India for his car project. He did not challenge the issue in court in spite of his huge financial capacity but immediately switched over to another state and gave excellent car brand to Indians with huge success. No Indian can forget outstanding contribution of Industrialist Mr. Ratan Tata to society.

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5. Conversant With Target Audience

There was a huge cut-out of Land-Rover-Range-Rover car in hoarding. Although it is one of the finest cars but if my liking is for BMW, I may not prefer attractive hoarding displayed. Target audience is most important element for content writer. If your writings are not according to place, time and audience it is likely that subject writing may be ineffective. Always consider the narrowed down niche with respect to content writing for particular product or service.

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6. Ready To Change

This is the most important particular set of skill that defines capacity of a content writer to change his action, course or the way to deal with getting things done to suit the circumstances. Being adaptable can mean that your react rapidly to evolve thoughts, responsibilities, desires and patterns. It depends how well-motivated you are and what kind of problem-solving skills you have with development of adaptability.

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7. Familiarisation With Social Media

Social media allows you to precisely reach specific, selected target audience for your content and campaign where you reach out to the pain points of audience. Brand recognition and positioning becomes firm due to your time to time presence to subject social media platforms.

Properly developed and managed social media profiles are most frequently used area by visitors and service channels. Valuable comments and reactions and opinions are treasures for building leads for products and services.

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8. Search Engine Optimiser

Search engine optimization (SEO) is not only way of your due modifications to parts of your website but also to your landing pages, presentation and blogs related to your content.

When viewed thoughtfully, small changes might seem like incremental improvements, but when combined with appropriate optimizations, they could have a noticeable impact on your site’s user experience and performance in organic search results. Buzz words and key words give magical effects for profitable results.

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9. Integrity

Integrity if the practice of being honest and showing consistent and uncompromising adherence to strong moral and ethical values. Honest and truthfulness of content writer always give internal consistency as individual as well as organisation as a whole. People judges your qualities and integrity according to your belief, principles and values.

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10. Efficient Time Manager

Any project taken in hand definitely succeeds or fails on some of the important factors like priority of task, to-do list, ‘what is important now’ or the planning for specific task. Some of the unimportant task may lead to delay of achieve the target in hand. It is always said, “Prior Preparation Prevents Poor Performance!”

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11. Detached From Results

Many times while working for a particular targeted objectives give stress and therefore performance is affected. It has been said that work consistently and never worry about the result. Well planned tasks always lead to success but always worrying about result may hamper the desired results. So always detach yourself from outcome and work efficiently.

Take Away

1. Choose nouns or pronouns wisely, generic noun like ’man’ may give impression that ‘woman’ is secondary.

2. Avoid language that suggests evaluation. Refrain from using, “This is for financially affluent people.” or “Only for Intellectually rich.”

Explore Your Ideal Version




Written by Krgoswami

CEO Digital Eagle Academy, Game Changer Psychologist, Best-Selling Author, Former Aircraft Engineer AF, BM (Rtrd) SBI,

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