Be Passionate And Focus On What You Love

3 min readJan 12, 2021
Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

“The saddest people I’ve ever met in life are the ones who don’t care deeply about anything at all. Passion and satisfaction go hand in hand, and without them, any happiness is only temporary, because there’s nothing to make it last.”

― Nicholas Sparks, Dear John

One of my friend’s son was very fond of photography especially wild life but he was compelled to study civil engineering. He graduated from the college and started searching job for earning. Due to cut throat completion it was difficult to get a secured job however he settled his profession with a builder who has least value of his skills. He did his graduation in the steam because his father had a niche of becoming civil engineer but he could not achieve his goal and therefore he always gave importance and explained to everybody that there are lot of money and demand once you get the degree civil engineering. His son started earning equal amount of money from photography but he wanted to quit the job but failed several times in front of his father to express it and he was literally waiting for the death of his father so that he could quit the job.

If I was reading the read book ikigai, the secret Japanese way to live happy life written by Yukari Mitsuhashi, I realized that if you are not working or living a life desired by you even your life span is shortened. you are living with your passion you are not only happy but you can make people also happy and guide them for better tomorrow with your knowledge and belief and wisdom.

If you are in a job like that of civil engineer who was not happy, you can quit your job or you can work on your passion with part time involvement. In your job you are reporting to your boss or authority and submit the assignment of 3 projects with a deadline, you can add one of your projects and submit to you with a dead line. Instead of working for 3 projects, you work for four projects with extra little time during morning or evening by cutting short of your social media engagement or television time. You are digging the well for water with paid money when you are in a job but you start digging your own well side by side so that when water coming out you stop digging for others.

Key Takeaways

1. Motivation from inside lasts forever

2.You can take horse to lake, but you cannot force it to drink water


Rewire Your Brain




Former aircraft engineer IAF, Retired Branch Manager SBI, Psychologist, Best Selling Author & Armed Forces Recruitment Trainer